Thursday, October 20, 2005

Letter to my Rep! A Call for Revolutionary Action!

Mr. Herger,
With all respect, I must say that I am appalled at the level of criminal misconduct being perpetrated by our elected officials in both the federal and state governments. The Constitution requires specific action on your part Mr. Herger. What are you going to do? The people have begun to acknowledge their responsibility to the Constitution and to future generations by responding proactively. An independent War Crimes Commission is convening in New York as we speak and they will get to the bottom of the corruption. Indictments will be handed down to the people naming many Administration officials as well as complicit members of Congress. The people are fully justified and empowered by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of these united states to act on the findings of this Commission and to enforce the Commission's Judgement by whatever nonviolent means necessary. We do this without your permission, as no such permission is necessary. Further, the people do not authorize, nor will they stand by and allow our representatives in government to slash the budgets for aid to the poor in this country while at the same time sending desperately needed resources overseas to facilitate the further commission of War Crimes! Absolutely not! Mr Herger, let me make something absolutely clear. The government exists to serve the people, not the other way around. When they no longer serve the people, but instead serve themselves or others in government, or even worse, when they serve monied corporate interests, as is now the situation in our country, then the people are justified in demanding immediate change! We need not ask! We appropriately demand an immediate Redress of Grievances! In all truth, in order to preserve and defend our Constitution against all enemies, the people are empowered to use any means necessary to effect their safety, lives, liberty and happiness. End of discussion! For government to declare Martial Law on the people is Treason! For government to Militarize the Police forces against the people in this country and to impose Draconian laws upon the people is Treason! There exists right now in this country substantially more legitimate grounds for Revolution than there was in 1775. If the government continues it's defiance in effecting the Will of the people as it pertains to the requirement we have given you to immediately implement Impeachment proceedings against numerous members of the Administration as well as complicit members of Congress, then the people will be left with no recourse other than Revolution, which is our Right. The Constitution requires no less of us. The Constitution requires specific action on your part Mr. Herger. What are you going to do? We the people reserve all Rights!
Sincerely in Steadfast Resolution,
Reverend Paul Allen Fisher
xxxxxx-address ommitted
Paradise California
xxxxxx-phone number ommitted

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